Get Involved

Become a Member

You can make a difference!

Help us speak up for those who have no voice – the billions of animals each year who are denied basic rights and are confined, made to suffer, and killed for human purpose and profit.

Have your voice amplified by joining the Northwest’s largest and most active nonprofit animal rights organization!

Your $25 membership subscription is good for one year from the date of payment.

Visit our Membership page to become a member now!

Donate to NARN

As a non-profit organization, NARN is funded by donations from our generous supporters. For a list of activites NARN engages in, visit our campaigns page.  Everything from distributing literature to protesting animal abuse carries some cost, and you can help support these efforts with a one-time donation or a monthly, recurring donation. With our online payment processing via PayPal, donating to NARN is more convenient than ever.

You can donate online with either a one-time, or on-going donation, or you can write a check payable to NARN and mail it to:

1037 NE 65th St #174
Seattle, WA 98115

NARN is a 501(c) 3 organization and all donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for giving to the animals. Our tax ID# is 91-1341059

*To save on transaction fees, please mail a check for larger donation amounts, if possible.

Matching Programs

Matching programs can help make your dollars go even farther! Many companies (e.g. Boeing, Microsoft, Home Depot) have matching gift programs. If you’re unsure or need more information see your Human Resources Department.

Car Donation Program

Donate your car, boat, truck, RV, Jet Ski or snowmobile to the Northwest Animal Rights Network and receive a tax deduction. This no cost, no hassle process begins when you contact our fundraising partner, Donation Line, LLC at 877-227-7487. Make sure to ask for our extension, 2677, or you can click here to donate online now. Please have your title in hand when you donate.

Vehicle not running? That’s OK, Donation Line will take care of everything, from towing arrangements to title transfer, and NARN will be the beneficiary.

Other Financial Contributions

  • Select NARN as beneficiary in programs like Amazon Smile and Fred Meyer Rewards.
  • Leave a Legacy / Planned Gifts  (e.g. insurance beneficiary, will, trust, retirement plans)
  • Memorial Gifts – give in honor of a loved one (person or pet)
  • Gifts of stock
  • Use the Goodsearch search engine (with NARN set as the beneficiary)