PNW Community Justice Calendar

NARN is working to build a Community Justice Calendar for the purposes of consolidating social justice events across the wider Seattle area. We hope to develop a robust event hub that lists events from social justice movements united in a common goal to end injustice in an exploitative capitalist system. 

In an effort to get connected and organized across justice movements, please help us populate this Community Justice Calendar. 

If you are involved with or following other organizations or movements that host events around the area, please share events with us at

Domestic Violence and Animal Abuse Policy Reform Initiative

See our domestic violence and companion animal policy reform initiative here

Bodily Autonomy for All Initiative

NARN is working with the Puget Sound Mobilization for Reproductive Justice on critical bodily autonomy and reproductive justice issues facing the Puget Sound area. More info on this initiative here.


What is IJ?

The Northwest Animal Rights Network is an intersectional organization that operates under vegan principles for the rights of all sentient beings. The term “intersectionality” was coined by activist and Critical Race Theorist Kimberlé Crenshaw. See Professor Crenshaw talk about the importance of intersectionality and “bearing witness” here.

We are continuously engaging with our understanding of intersectionality, including grappling with its criticisms and efforts to expand the concept (see Aph Ko’s Racism as Zoological Witchcraft for a critique on intersectionality, for example). NARN is a steadfast collective liberation organization, committed to the journey of de-learning and learning so that we can show up for justice in the most beneficial, sensitive, and compassionate way possible while dismantling systems of oppression. 

Animal rights for social justice

In this interconnected world, a win for nonhuman animals is a win for human animals. Learn about the connection here. Many animal rights organizations are now wise to the serious entanglements of human and nonhuman rights issues, and work to address accordingly in an increasingly more interconnected way respective of the world we find ourselves within. For example, see our friends at the Food Empowerment Project, APEX Advocacy, The Raven Corp, and Plant-Based Food Share.

Sentient Rights

We fight for collective liberation and multispecies justice for all! NARN advocates for the rights of all sentient individuals, including humans. Find out why here.