WDFW Commission Retreat

Meeting is in person ONLY, with an exception for hybrid public comments on Friday, 1pm, and Saturday, 8am. The public…

NARN Educational Speaker Series – Dr. David Bain


UPDATE: This event has been moved to a virtual Zoom presentation. Click here to register! This month's speaker series will feature…

NARN Board Meeting


NARN's Board of Directors meets monthly to discuss our campaigns and administrative issues. Guests are welcome to attend for part…

Meet WDWF Commissioner – Tim Ragen,

NARN is please to host an opportunity to meet with one of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Commissioners; …

Shaped by violence: Armed conflict & animal rights in Colombia

Douglass-Truth Branch - The Seattle Public Library, 2300 E Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122, USA

Long time activist Fernando Cuenca is giving a talk about how animal rights advocacy is shaped when performed in countries…

CANCELED: Activist Support Group

Our Support group is currently on hold. We currently plan to restart it later in the year, so please check…

NARN Booth at Seattle Social Justice Film Festival

University Heights Center, 5031 University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105, USA

NARN will be at the Social Justice Film Festival Friday, October 13th, 6-8pm, and Saturday, October 14th, 11-3pm! See details about…

NARN Booth at Seattle Social Justice Film Festival

University Heights Center, 5031 University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105, USA

NARN will be at the Social Justice Film Festival Friday, October 13th, 6-8pm, and Saturday, October 14th, 11-3pm! See details about…

University of Washington’s IACUC Meeting

via zoom

The University of Washington's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) will be meeting to discuss various research protocols (study…

Social at Arayas in Bellevue

Tuesday, Oct 24th, 6:30-8:30 PMPlease join our community for vegan food at this month's social! Vegans and veg-curious are always…