WDFW Commission Meeting – Testimony Needed

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WDFW Commission Meeting – Testimony Needed

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Wolves and Cougars need you this June! Take two minutes and testify at the Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting and make a world of difference in their lives.
The two major topics in need of testimony are:
– Wolves are at risk of being downlisted from endangered to sensitive. If they are downlisted, more Wolves than ever before will almost assuredly be killed in WA.
-An important rule that would decrease the amount of Cougars killed in WA is at play. We need the public to support this rule to prove that Washingtonians prefer conservation over killing.
The WDFW Commission meeting is June 20-22nd, in Vancouver, WA. 
Public testimony occurs on Friday, June 21st, at 8:30am, Saturday, June 22nd, at 8am, or at an unknown specific time on either day (see the linked form below for more details). You can attend the meeting either in-person or virtually through Zoom. You do not have to stay for the whole meeting once you are done with your testimony.
We can sign you up for testimony! Because we must sign up for testimony as soon as the agenda is released, you can ask NARN to sign you up. This way, you won’t have to worry about watching out for the agenda. Please fill out this form and NARN will contact you to help you craft your testimony. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17CTbCz6jPejhCjaKOEQYcCCLghJ8BL100b-iM3pB1Q8/edit? 
We know testifying can be daunting. We are here for you every step of the way! Hannah will reach out with a testimony template and further information once you submit the above form.
This is a major community effort, please show up for Cougars and Wolves!


June 21, 2024
8:30 am - 10:30 am