Protest the UW primate research lab!

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Protest the UW primate research lab!

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NARN will host a demonstration outside of the University of Washington’s Husky Stadium during its Commencement event.

Come protest the use of endangered Macaque monkeys as test subjects by experimenters at the University of Washington! We will start at 11:30am to catch the crowd going into Commencement and we will end at 2pm.

We need to clearly show that there IS in fact strong opposition to the UW’s use of testing on endangered Macaques. Bring your friends! Even if you can’t make it this time, please SHARE this event on your socials. Thank you!

Signs and banners will be provided, however feel free to make your own!

Please RSVP and share far and wide here!


June 10, 2023
11:30 am - 2:00 pm