Call Lawmakers to Stop Bills Allowing Foie Gras, Dog Meat, and Battery-Caged Hens
Three bills in Congress would force states and localities to allow the sale of dangerous and inhumanely produced products, Compassion Over Killing pointed out.
They are HR 4879, HR 3599, and HR 2887, and here’s the damage they would do:
- California could be forced to allow the sale of foie gras, which is produced by force-feeding ducks and geese with pipes down their throats until their liver swells and becomes diseased.
- Georgia and other states could be compelled to allow the sale of dog meat.
- Massachusetts could be forced to allow the sale of eggs from battery-caged hens, despite an overwhelming vote by the people of the state to prohibit the sale of these products.
The most effective action would be quick, polite calls to your U.S. Representative and your two U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121. A sample message: “I live and vote in your district/state and ask that you vocally oppose Rep. Steve King’s HR 4879 and HR 3599 and Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner’s HR 2887. They are dangerous attacks on state and local laws that protect animals and consumers.”