Our Policies
As an organization that values respect and compassion for all, we strive to make all of our events safe and inclusive spaces for all participants.
Please see our Equity Statement here
Please see our NARN’s Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy
Please see our NARN anti-racism statement
You can view or download our glossary of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) terms here!
External Harassment Contact
The NARN Board takes harassment and discrimination seriously and we commit to take action to protect victims and create a safe and inclusive organization. However, if you feel any need to reach out to an objective third party, CANHAD (Coalition Against Nonprofit Harassment and Discrimination) is an independent volunteer organization with that sole mission.
NARN's Commitment to Racial Justice
NARN is committed to actively building a diverse, inclusive, equitable and just organization and acting as a catalyst for the animal rights movement as a whole. As declared in our Mission Statement, we advocate for the rights of all sentient beings, and we believe an important component of doing this is empowering the voices of the Global Majority; humans who are perceived as something other than white regarding the construct of “race”. We believe this is important because racism is a global system of oppression, and members of the Global Majority have the first-hand life experience to truly understand the oppressive nature of our current systems and culture, and bring that wisdom to our organization and cause.
- Develop and publicly share these goals, making ourselves accountable
- Develop a body of policies designed to foster a diverse, equitable and inclusive Board and Volunteer environment by the end of Q3 2021
- Develop and launch a campaign focused on centering voices of animal rights activists who are members of the Global Majority by the end of Q1, 2022
- Each active Board member will build an active, engaged relationship with at least 1 community-focused organization that primarily serves members of the global majority by Q2 2022 in order to gain wisdom, better connect NARN to the justice, equity and inclusion needs of the Global Majority in the Pacific Northwest, and support our local community
- Achieve a Board membership comprised of at least 50% members of the Global Majority by the end of 2022
Why DEIJ is Central to our Mission
We believe diversity, equity, inclusion and justice are utterly critical to our work as part of the Animal Rights Movement, our local community and as part of the world at large. We don’t see a path to adhering to our mission to “…advocate for the rights of all sentient beings—the right to choose, to be free from oppression and exploitation…” without first embodying these principles within our organization and movement.
We therefore believe that the work to achieve this state is not only a part of our work, but indeed a central and primary focus of it.
Any strategy that we employ to further our mission must include not only the goal of eliminating racism within our organization and movement, but also one of becoming actively anti-racist. Indeed, we must recognize and fight the direct and systemic oppression of all of those who bear the burden of a system that doles out privilege and disadvantage based solely on the innate physical traits of sentient beings. This includes fighting not only racism, but speciesism, sexism, ableism, ageism, transphobia, homophobia and any system of othering and oppression.